Spin and win: Mecca Bingo unveils plans to combine bingo and spin classes

This unique combination of exercise and bingo aims to help customers stick to their New Year’s fitness resolutions by merging bingo with spinning. 

The concept involves spin instructors doubling as bingo callers and leading classes from the saddle of a spin bike. As participants pedal to energetic tracks, they will simultaneously be able to mark off their bingo cards.

Mecca Bingo's decision to launch Spingo stems from a survey revealing that 43% of the nation has made fitness resolutions for 2024, with 22% specifically seeking more exciting workout options. 

Recognizing the need to motivate individuals to stay committed to their goals, Mecca Bingo hopes this new scheme will be able to inject a dose of enthusiasm into people’s exercise routines.

Sarah O’Neill, Head of Innovation for Mecca Bingo,Play Casino Online stated: “Pace, adrenaline-pumping competition and joy – the worlds of bingo and spin classes have a lot more in common than people may think! 

“That’s why we’re excited about shaking up expected and mundane exercise routines and breathing fresh life into New Year workouts with the development of our Spingo concept! Whether participants are joining for a chance to hit the jackpot prize or an endorphin high, we’re confident Spingo will hit the mark.” 

In response to the survey, nearly half (49%) of those with fitness resolutions expressed interest in attending a Spingo class.


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