Continent 8 celebrates its 25th birthday

The data company is live in 25 states in the US, with launches in Nevada, Minnesota and Georgia also expected in the near future. Meanwhile, it also operates in the European, Asian and LatAm markets.

Michael Tobin, Founder and CEO of Continent 8 Technologies, said: “We’ve come a very long way in the 25 years since Continent 8 launched in 1998. From our first data centre in Montreal, Canada, we now have a private, connected network across the globe that continues to grow on an almost monthly basis.

“Our suite of solutions is as comprehensive as it is cutting-edge, and our incredible team deliver the absolute best service in the business. This is the key to the customer retention we have achieved over the past two and a half decades. 

“It’s been an incredible journey so far,Online Casino Games and I’m proud to have led the organisation from the front. A huge thank you to our people, customers, partners, suppliers, and everyone in-between for supporting our ambitious plans. Here’s to another 25 years of success for Continent 8 and its customers.”

Gambling Insider spoke exclusively to Continent 8’s CPO Justin Cosnett recently – as well as its CEO and Founder, Michael Tobin.

Furthermore, last year it signed a new five-year contract with the Government of Gibraltar, extending the original deal between the parties that began in 2011.

The group has been providing the solutions and capacity required via its secure data centre, located 500 metres deep within the Rock in a former Ministry of Defence facility.


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